• Al Masaood Oil & Gas awarded by ZADCO


Al Masaood Oil & Gas received Official Appreciation from ZADCO Drilling & Completion team for “outstanding performance during the preparation and execution of the completion on JUNANA rig during the execution of UZ542, UZ547 and UZ554 wells”. Deployed efforts of Al Masaood crews helped the operating company “save rig time by performing all above wells with zero NPT”.

“Al Masaood TRS crews who ran the lower and upper completion in the above-mentioned wells perform very good where they record the best (6 5/8” liner running speed safely of 16-17 jnt/hr) and also managed to run the upper 4 ½” completion safely (with record of 20 jnt/hr in UZ554)”.

ZADCO also emphasized on the HSE aspect of the recognition. “All crews have been regular participant in developing safety culture and environment. [Their] valuable interventions have definitely saved from unlikely events”.